Happy Tuesday everyone! I am re-posting my movie quiz I have gotten two responses so far. Take a shot! I thought I would tweak it a little
this time. I am posting 12 quotes from 12 different movies. The twelve
quotes have a specific connection. So...here's how we'll do this: the
winner will win a $10 Trader Joe's gift card as usual. And, as usual,
identifying the movie from which the quote comes is worth one point, and
naming the actor who uttered the phrase is also worth one point.
Naming the right connection will be worth 10 points. This means that
the total points possible is 35: 25 points for the quotes (quote number 6
is uttered by two people), and 10 points for naming the connection. I
will take entries until Friday, November 2 at 9PM. Please e-mail your
entries to losbascoms@mac.com. Any entries posted in the comments
section will be deleted, as they will be seen by others. Finally,
please do not look on the internet for the answers! No cheating :)!!
If there is a tie, I have a question in mind to break the tie. Good
1. "Life is like a box of chocolates..."
2. "La de da, La de da..."
3. "FREEDOM!!!!!"
4. "Sam, I thought I told you never to play that..."
5. "For Frodo..."
6. "We keep you alive to serve this ship...row well and live."
7. "I coulda been a contender..."
8. "Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night..."
9. "Four jacks! You owe me 15 grand pal!"
10. "This is not the stuff of which martyrs are made..."
11. "Yo Adrian."
12. "Why didn't you take off all your clothes? You could have stopped forty cars."
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