The French saying from which this entry takes its title is literally translated "reason for being." I wonder sometimes, why do I write this blog? I enjoy writing on the films, but many in the blogosphere and in newspapers do that. I am a small voice in an internet world that is vast. So, why do I do it? Furthermore, why do I write about movies, of all things?
First of all, I write my blog because I have a longing to express myself to others. Movies are important to me, and so I feel that this is one way that I can interact with other people, whatever their background. But, again, why movies? I write about movies because I believe that they are an important common language of our time. Sure, we still have the written word, the sung word, and other forms of communication. In spite of that, I really do believe that this art form is the theater for our age. It reaches nearly everyone. It combines almost every other art form into one art form (music, written word, drama and visual artistry). And, as a simple observation, it starts more discussions than any other art form. I am much more likely to have someone ask me, "Have you seen any good movies lately?", than what kind of music I am listening to.
That is why I write this blog. It is not because I think my opinion holds great weight. The appeal of a blog is that even if very few read it, it still can be one's own. I like to think that I bring a unique perspective. I am a disciple of Jesus, and yet I watch things which clearly depict people and actions that are outside of my beliefs. Why do I do this? This goes back to my title for this entry. The raison d'etre for this blog is to attempt, in a small way, to talk about something that I have in common with other people, whatever their background may be. As such, I want to expand it. I want it to be a place where not only do I talk about movies, but I share some things that have helped me find more great movie experiences. I want to be able to share resources, share laughs, do more quizzes/trivia contests, and share more of how I interact with these movies as a person of faith in Jesus Christ. I do not want to change very much...but I do want to expand this place and try to post more frequently. I want it to be a place where I can embrace and celebrate this art form myself, but also with others. I hope you enjoy what is to come!
Joel, Though I rarely comment on your blog I read it with each new entry and great appreciate and enjoy your perspective. I love this kind of explination of why you do this blog. I really identify with it. I am looking forward to seeing what you do with this blog:) Thanks for your time and effort in it as I bet many enjoy it as I do.---Maria
ReplyDeleteThanks Maria...I appreciate the kind words. I look forward to talking about more movies soon!