Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Here's another movie quote quiz.  This time, I'm going to do it a little bit differently.  Each quote is worth 2 points.  The correct name of the movie that the quote is from is worth 1 point.  If you give me the name of the performer who spoke the line in the film (the performer, not the character), you will receive 1 point.  Please e-mail me your answers at  Don't put them in the comments, since then everyone else will see them.  I will take answers until Saturday night at 9PM central time.  I will throw in a $10 gift card to Trader Joe's to the winner (or to somewhere else if the winner is from a non-TJ's city).  Please do not look up the answers on the internet on anywhere else-these are intended to test what you know. GOOD LUCK!!

1) "Ah, hell no, I did not leave the South Side for this!"

2) "We'll always have Paris"

3)  "Keep Your friends close, and your enemies closer."

4)  "I gave her my heart, and she gave me a pen."

5)  "Look...I'm givin' out wings!!"

6)  "I do enjoy the taste of a good burger!"

7)  "Ramming speed..."

8)  "You idiot, in the Latin alphabet Jehovah begins with an I!"

9)  "What do you think I am, dumb or something?"

10)  "Congratulations to you Mickey."


  1. Ashamed to say that I only know number 8 for sure., so it may not be worth it...

  2. No shame :) Thanks for reading!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I gave it my all. I can't believe that I didn't know 7 and 9. I looked them up and I have seen both of those movies multiple times. Great quotes though!

  4. Thanks for your response Karla...I got your answers, but I took them down because there is still time for others to respond :) I will put your response in with the others!
