Friday, May 25, 2012

Family Film Friday: Shrek

Last week, we had the kids watch Shrek for the first time.  I remember seeing it and liking it when it came out.  I found it interesting that my kids didn't really care for the movie.  What I found even more interesting is why they didn't care for the movie.  Here's what they had to say:

Joel:  "Last night, while Mommy was on a walk and Daddy was writing, you watched another movie...what was it called?"
Corrie: "Shrek."
Joel:  "You didn't seem to have the same opinion about this movie as you do about others...what did you think of this movie Corrie?"
Corrie:  "Um...I thought it was like OK, but it wasn't...I've liked other things better.  I didn't really like the fairy tale...well...the way to say it is that they make jokes out of the fairy tales, and I really like these fairy tales and I don't like it when they mess it up."
Jack:  "Yeah, I don't like it either.  I already told you about this, but I really didn't like the ending."
Joel:  "What didn't you like about the ending?"
Jack:  "She doesn't turn back into what she's supposed to be!"
Joel:  "What did you think of the donkey?"
Jack:  "He was the only part that I liked.  He was so funny."
Corrie:  "What I liked about him was the way that he was toward the middle, he's setting up sticks and stones between it, and Shrek says 'What are you doing?'  And he says, 'Well, I was thinking a wall around my swamp, not through it.'  And then he says, 'Well, this is my half of the swamp and this is your half...I did half the work and get half the swamp, and he tries to tell Shrek that friends forgive each other, and then Shrek is still yelling at him , and the donkey is trying to tell hi the truth about the princess, and Shrek says maybe you should ask her."
Joel:  "So Jackie, you were kind of upset at the end of the movie last night, cause you really didn't like it.  You mentioned that you didn't like how the lady ended up.  You said some other things about why you didn't like it, what else didn't you like?"
Jack:  "The Robin Hood thing!  That is not Robin Hood!"
Joel:  "You really didn't like that they took stories that you knew really well and changed them."
Corrie:  "Pretty much!"
Joel:  "Was there other ones they did that with."
Corrie:  "Well, there definitely was Robin Hood and Pinocchio was a little weird...whenever he says something untrue his nose grows 5 feet and then goes back."
Joel:  "Well it was kind of interesting for me because when I first saw the movie when it came out, I actually liked the ending because it was sweet because the lady is supposed to be beautiful, but then she turns into the ogre at night.  But, in order to be the ogre's true love, she has to turn into another ogre.  I thought that was sweet, but you guys didn't care for that?"
Corrie:  "Actually, that was the part I like!  I just didn't love the movie because of the messing up of fairy tales, like, the pigs were just acting like triplets...the 3 little pigs...and at the end they're doing rock and roll moves and I'm just like...uh uh.  The pat I didn't like the most was just the uh...was when he was Robin Hood...I think that's Robin Hood but not the one I know.  And they kind of mess up the stories, and that's pretty much it.  Is there someone else in another movie that does donkey's voice...I feel like I've heard his voice."
Joel:  "Well, the guy who does his voice, but have they seen anything with Eddie Murphy in it?"
Stephanie:   "I don't think so..."
Joel:  "All right guys, you've given me some good comments...thanks a lot!"

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